Исследователи из Корнелльского университета (США) обнаружили биомаркеры синдрома хронической усталости (миалгического энцефаломиелита) в микрофлоре кишечника и крови. Чтобы облегчить симптомы заболевания учёные советуют употреблять пребиотики и пробиотики, рассказывает The Times of India.
Contrary to common perception, chronic fatigue syndrome may not be psychological in origin as researchers have now identified biological markers of the disease in gut bacteria and inflammatory microbial agents in the blood.
The findings suggest that changing diets, using prebiotics such as dietary fibers or probiotics could treat chronic fatigue syndrome, a condition where normal exertion leads to debilitating fatigue that is not alleviated by rest.
Physicians have been mystified by the disease as there are no known triggers, and diagnosis often requires lengthy tests administered by an expert.
Now, for the first time, Cornell University researchers described how they correctly diagnosed myalgic encephalomyeletis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in 83 per cent of patients through stool samples and blood work, offering a noninvasive diagnosis and a step toward understanding the cause of the disease.
“Our work demonstrates that the gut bacterial microbiome in chronic fatigue syndrome patients isn’t normal, perhaps leading to gastrointestinal and inflammatory symptoms in victims of the disease,” said professor Maureen Hanson, senior author of the study.
“Furthermore, our detection of a biological abnormality provides further evidence against the ridiculous concept that the disease is psychological in origin,” Hanson noted.
“In the future, we could see this technique as a complement to other noninvasive diagnoses, but if we have a better idea of what is going on with these gut microbes and patients, maybe clinicians could consider changing diets, using prebiotics such as dietary fibers or probiotics to help treat the disease,” first author of the study Ludovic Giloteaux noted.
В исследовании приняли участие 48 человек с миалгическим энцефаломиелитом и 39 здоровых добровольцев. Исследовав образцы кала и крови, удалось правильно поставить диагноз 83% пациентов.
Как выяснилось, микрофлора кишечника у людей с синдромом хронической усталости гораздо беднее, чем у здоровых людей. Кроме того, у них гораздо меньше противовоспалительных бактерий. То же самое отмечается у людей с болезнью Крона и неспецифическим язвенным колитом. Также учёные обнаружили маркеры воспаления в крови. Видимо, бактерии попадали в кровь из кишечника.
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